Aimed at minimizing risks and reducing costs for companies preparing to invest in new businesses. The objective is to fully take advantage of opportunities in launching new products and/or services, entering different markets, operating in other geographic regions and creating points of sale, to:
- Minimize risks
- Boost investments
- Increase and accelerate results/return on investment (ROI)
- Expand opportunities
- Speed up the process
- In this sense, our consultants will work to:
- Study the target market, the main risks, opportunities and main national and international competitors
- Analyze products, services, prices and payment terms offered by the competition and Identify the best logistics and distribution method
- Present cases of failure, success, launch and maintenance costs
- Specify recommendations and proposal
- Assist in project maintenance
- We use highly developed methodologies (one for each type of study), resulting in a fast, safe, economical and scientifically based work
- Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty Survey Knowing your customers' perceptions about your products and services is vital for the success of an organization.
- More important than knowing whether customers are satisfied is understanding the key points needed to generate loyalty and gain market share.
- We combine strategic variables and evaluation tactics that clearly translate what these key points are.
- Through tested and approved tools, it is possible to measure what customers think, how they feel and how they act on the processes, products and services of the company and its main competitors.
- The final result must identify and consolidate its own sustainable and renewable competitive advantage against the market and present the necessary information for identifying opportunities for improvement and for the elaboration of an action plan.