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Political articulations for democratic political campaigns

Political articulations for democratic political campaigns

Global Saribra works by carrying out political campaigns in democratic countries. The need to give continuity to a democratic policy where projects are in progress and the country is moving towards a real development together with the great nations of democracy, the company carries out campaigns in strict support to the basis of democracy.

Digital Marketing Strategy in Politics

First, it is worth noting that this is a science that is still little known. There are rare professionals who have gone through important experiences or who understand the logic in theory. In addition, the most experienced ones are already linked to elected candidates and are not available on the market.

On the other hand, those who think that Political Marketing is different from Corporate Digital Marketing are mistaken: some roles and channels change, but the campaign management strategy is similar. So, in practice, good Digital Marketing professionals are able to help candidates spread their messages, and thus, win a seat in the next elections. Brand and product in Digital Political Marketing

Channels in Digital Political Marketing

The old marketing was based on mass appearance on TV, billboards, rallies and even printed “saints”. In practice, little was known about the candidate, causing many votes to be defined by simply remembering the person who appeared the most and demonstrated some capacity for the position.

The obligatory space on TV and radio was also a big plus, giving them more exposure time and helping to keep them in power. Today, these channels have digital competitors, who have subverted this logic and become the protagonists, as seen in the last elections.

In Political Digital Marketing, social networks are the main engine for electing candidates, both new and unknown ones as well as traditional ones who have managed to migrate to new platforms. The big difference is that the choice is in the hands of the voter: he who defines what he wants to see, when and how often. Websites and blogs are important to present the candidate, his ideas and even the government plan in a more structured way.

When the public advances in interest, it tends to look for these channels.

Creation of a Political Platform

A political platform is a series of positions on political issues that are used to promote a particular political party or candidate. It often comes in the form of a manifesto, a carefully worded policy document that appeals to voters by touching on a range of issues that are important to them.

The analysis of these platforms is a topic of interest to many people, especially in presidential elections, when political parties fight for control of a nation and their positions are vital tools. Individual topics within a political platform are sometimes referred to as “boards”, taking the platform metaphor to its logical conclusion. Common boards include positions on issues such as education, environment, national security, welfare, etc. positions being adjusted to take account of changes in cultural values and emerging global issues. Typically, each political party has a platform, and individual members of that party have their own positions that are often aligned with those of the party. The broad scope of the national platform is designed to attract voters to that party, with the hope of building loyalty and potentially generating voters who will automatically choose candidates associated with that party on the strength of the national platform.

Individual platforms tend to focus more on regional issues and candidates' personal political convictions, with many candidates choosing issues such as poverty to focus on. Many people associate specific parties with specific issues, as these issues form the cornerstone of the party's philosophy. For example, some political parties are known for a straightforward approach to national government, focusing on the rights of individual regions to set their own policies, while others prefer a more centrally organized government.

Authors of a political platform strive to appeal to common concerns among the population, while making their party seem like the only patriotic choice to voters. A platform is often widely distributed, with journalists and commentators encouraged to cite it when reviewing candidates and upcoming elections. Candidates also familiarize themselves with their opponents' positions so that they can identify potential weaknesses of attack, and voters often hear rhetoric about a candidate's platform or the party's platform at political rallies.

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