Electoral campaign is the electoral period in which the parties and their candidates present themselves to the population in search of votes.The vehicles that traditionally present electoral campaigns are: TV, radio, newspapers and magazines (print). These campaigns begin in periods close to elections and continue until they occur.
Since the 2010s, the internet has become a central element of modern political campaigns. Communication technologies such as email, websites and podcasts for various forms of activism, to enable faster communications through citizen movements and deliver a message to a wide audience. These Internet technologies are used for cause-related fundraising, lobbying, volunteering, community building, and organizing. Individual political candidates are also using the internet to promote their election campaign. In a study of election campaigns in Norway, politicians reported that they used social media for marketing and for dialogue with voters. Facebook was the main marketing platform and Twitter was used for more ongoing dialogue. Signifying the importance of political campaigning on the internet, Barack Obama's presidential campaign relied heavily on search engines (SEO) and new media to engage voters, recruit campaign volunteers and raise campaign funds.
The campaign highlighted the importance of using the Internet in new age political campaigns utilizing various forms of social media and new media (including Facebook, YouTube and a personalized social engine) to reach new target populations. The campaign's social site, myBarackObama.com, used an efficient, low-cost method to mobilize voters and increase turnout for various voter populations.
Global Saribra conducts political campaigns with articulations and raising the candidate to the highest level, among the articulations we suggest several coherent proposals within democracy, attracting voters to a large-scale vote.